Drama Mamas and Papas
- Drama Mamas and Papas (DMP for short) is our theatre boosters organization. Although most of our membership is made up of theatre parents, we welcome anyone to join in our efforts to support West Theatre, whether it be sibs, alumnae, alumnae parents, aunts, uncles, friends, anyone.
- The group meets about four times a year and also works in various capacities to help support the shows and the programs: bringing in snacks during tech week, fundraising, chaperoning—to name a few. We have found this support to be invaluable to our program.
- Meetings are the following dates: September 18, October 16, February 5, April 8
- The patron program is as old as Lakota West Theatre itself. Upon founding Lakota West Theatre, Kim Tanis instituted this program as an ingenious means of raising funds for the show. Kim developed this as an alternative to a costume fee, which nearly every high school theatre program charges. As opposed to a costume fee—which gives parents nothing in return—purchasing a Patron Sponsorship affords parents the following benefits:
- Preferred seating
- Opening Night reception
- Program recognition
- The knowledge that you are supporting one of the top programs in the state
- Since the district cut a high percentage of theatre funding in response to failed levies, we are in need of raising most of the funding ourselves. This year, we rely on patron and corporate sponsorships more than ever.
- Cast members and Students on Stage Officers have patron brochures. Peruse the brochures carefully and please consider becoming a show patron. Consider also sharing this information with anyone else, whether corporate or individual, who may be inclined to support our efforts. It’s NOT a donation or a handout. All patron sponsorship packages include tickets, and all corporate packages include myriad advertising opportunities. The “green” brochure is for personal patrons and the “blue” form is for corporate. We can provide you with additional brochures if needed.
- If you plan to sponsor the show, please send your form in as soon as you can to ensure the best possible seating. The deadline for submitting patron forms is October 10.
Cast members of Christmas Carol who fail to sell $200 worth of patrons need to pay a fee of $150 by October 10. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the student’s immediate removal from the show. If you have any questions about it, please call Paula Dolloff at (513) 682-4115, ext. 10431.
Here is some news updates/information:
I am planning to be a Patron/already am a Patron. What do I do next?
First of all, thank you! Now, follow these steps:
- Send in patron form and check, either with your child or through the mail: Lakota West Theatre, Att’n: Paula Dolloff, 8940 Union Centre Boulevard, West Chester, OH 45069.
- Patron tickets are assigned based on the order they are received. Hence, the sooner you get your forms in, the more likely it is that you will get your first choice in seating.
- Patron tickets may be exchanged later, but understand that the longer you wait, the less likely you will be to get the seats you want.
- Sales of non-patron tickets start October 10. Ticket order forms may be downloaded from our website : www.lakotawesttheatre.com
- Call Paula Dolloff at 682-4115, ext. 10431 with questions.
For everyone who buys groceries at Kroger: Consider buying a Kroger Card to support Lakota West Theatre. The card cost $1 but has $1 to spend on groceries. Then, prior to buying groceries, all you need to do is "fill it up" with whatever amount you need and use the card to pay for your groceries. West Theatre gets 4% of purchases (not including alcohol or tobacco). 4% may not seem like a lot, but it adds up over time! Again, West Theatre makes money as you do an errand you would be doing anyway.